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MOLYKOTE® G-2001 Grease


NLGI Grade 2 – Polyalphaolefin (PAO) based grease with a lithium-calcium thickener and a base oil viscosity of 35 cSt at 40°C


Product Overview

MOLYKOTE® G-2001 Grease is a premium, synthetic PAO (polyalphaolefin) based grease with a lithium-calcium thickener system and performance additives for corrosion protection.   MOLYKOTE® G-2001 exhibits excellent protection from wear, rust & corrosion at both low and high temperatures. MOLYKOTE® G-2001 does not contain any solid performance additives, and as such is suitable for use in roller element bearings that experience high speeds.


MOLYKOTE® G-2001 Grease provides premium protection in a range of lubricant requirements, including but not limited to:
Small and Medium Sized Bearings at Very High Speeds
Rapid Movement in Spindles or Positioners
Moulding Cutters
Chemical Processing & Refining
Paper Manufacturing & Processing

Features & Benefits

Wide Operating Temperature Range (-50°C to 130°C)
High Speed Capability & Stability
Low Temperature Flowability & Lubrication Properties
Excellent Lubricant Consistency at Varying Temperatures

Problems Solved

Poor Grease Viscosity Index or High Temp Performance
Inferior Rust & Corrosion Prevention from Grease
Grease Sling Off or High Levels of Migration

Product Specifications

Base Oil Viscosity @ 40°C: 35
NLGI Grade: 2
Thickener: Lithium-Calcium
Low Temp: -51°C (-59°F)
High Temp: 129°C (264°F)
Color: Beige 
Base Oil: 35 cSt @ 40°C

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