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MOLYKOTE® P-37 Antiseize Paste


High purity mineral oil-based anti-seize paste with solid graphite and zirconium dioxide for excellent corrosion prevention & high temperature stability


Product Overview

MOLYKOTE® P-37 Paste is an incredibly pure lubricant solution, formulated from a high-quality mineral oil and solid graphite and zirconium dioxide performance additives for excellent load-carrying capability and seize protection in threaded connections. 
MOLYKOTE® P-37 is formulated to remove impurities that can become brittle at high temperatures and jeopardize protective lubrication performance.  MOLYKOTE® P-37 exhibits fantastic protection for components that require frequent assembly/disassembly even after prolonged exposure to high temperatures.



MOLYKOTE® P-37 Paste is an extremely versatile lubricant solution, for a range or long-term applications and equipment, including:
Threaded Connections
Bolted Joints
Screws, Nuts & Bolts
Equipment with Extreme Temperature Exposure
Gas & Steam Turbines
Equipment with Specifications for:
Siemens TLV 9600 02/01
General Electric TIL 1117-3RI
Pratt & Whitney PWA-36246

Features & Benefits

Formula Free of Nickel, Lead, Sulfur, Chlorine or Fluorine  
Incredibly Purity (<250 ppm sulfur, <200 ppm chlorine and fluorine per kg of lubricant)
Excellent Thermal Stability (-30°C to 1,400°C)
Low Coefficient of Friction
Allows for Assembly & Disassembly of Bolts without Damage or Seizure
Very Low Seepage or Oil Loss

Problems Solved

Loss of Lubrication in Paste or Brittle Cracking
Seized Threaded Fasteners or Connectors
High Levels of Rust, Corrosion or Surface Damage

Product Specifications

Solid Lubricant: Graphite, Zirconium Dioxide
Low Temp: -30°C (-22°F)
High Temp: 1,400°C (2,552°F)
Color: Gray Black
Density at 20°C: 1.21 g/cm³

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